Have you ever felt that you & your body are not on the same page throughout the month?

 There’s a reason for that: Hormones.

And they are making decisions for you.

 Unfortunately, your food & lifestyle choices may not be doing what’s best for you. In fact, they might not be providing your hormone system with what it needs to function properly.

👀 Does this sound familiar?

  • Getting through the day is a struggle 😴

  • You feel tense and ready for a meltdown at any moment, especially right before & during your period 😭

  • You have been diagnosed with or suspect you have PMS or other menstrual issues 🩸

  • Your body feels sluggish and achy 🥴

  • Your period comes with a vengeance & you rely on pain meds to get by 💊

  • You crave sweet or salty foods all the time 🤤

  • You don’t even know when your period will come because it’s so irregular 🗓️

  • You have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night 😵‍💫

  • You struggle with acne or other skin eruptions 🔴

  • One minute you are happy and the next minute the world is coming to an end 😩

  • Gas and bloating seems to happening much more often 💀

If you suffer from any or all of these, chances are you are experiencing the effect of wonky hormones.

When they are balanced, they make you feel amazing, but when out of balance they make you feel miserable (and this impacts how you show up with your loved ones too).

So what can you do?

Contrary to what society makes us believe, we are not doomed to live with these symptoms forever. In fact, there are a lot of things that help and even eliminate these symptoms.

And it doesn’t involve buying expensive heating pads or doing complicated exercise routines.

The best part is, we’re not about diet culture in these parts of town, and the solution to your hormone woes actually requires you to do more of what we all love – eating delicious, nutrient-dense foods.


So ask yourself…

 How good would it be to feel like you again & be able to gain energy & have more control over your body?

Have you said to yourself:

I wish I could figure out how to make my periods a breeze”

This should not be happening to me!”

I thought this would have settled down at my age

 If you have, then you have probably tried many things to feel better: supplements, medications (including the pill), working with MDs/NDs, and avoiding all kinds of food to see if it helps. Or you may have tried nothing, overwhelmed by all the info out there that just further makes you feel like this is all your fault.

 And like most people you are tired of the fight. You are busy, stressed and fed up.

BUT I have more good news!

 As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist & Functional Hormone Educator, I know that you deserve something really impactful. That’s why I’m not just offering another course or sporadic individual sessions that don’t help you follow through. Instead, I created a complete hormone balancing program that allows you to get support in the exact areas YOU are struggling with.


The Evernourished Hormones Program

The complete Evernourished Hormones Program will help you rebalance your hormones using the foods that the systems in your body need to function properly. But you won’t be left to your own devices - you’ll be receiving personalized support every step of the way.

You are steps away to a more balanced body, starting with delicious food, key nutrients, and easy lifestyle tweaks. As your body adapts to these new habits, you will start to notice the symptoms disappear, your energy returns, and you feel inspired again.

So what’s included?

This is not just another online course with cookie cutter info that doesn’t take into consideration your unique needs.

This is a comprehensive program that combines independent learning in the form of easy to follow videos and resources in addition to individual personalized sessions with a Registered Holistic Nutritionist & Functional Hormone Educator (that’s me!🙋🏻‍♀️) for a truly expansive experience.

Throughout the program, I will teach you more information to understand the interaction of the various hormones that have been going wonky in your body. You will easily recognize what has happened in your life that led you to be where you are now. As you go through the program (friendly for all food needs such as gluten-free or vegan), you will take small steps to feel better and better.

During the 12 weeks of Evernourished Hormones, you’ll discover…

  • How hormones & your bodily symptoms interact, and why imbalances are giving you symptoms

  • What a healthy cycle looks like & how to track your cycle so that you understand your unique ups and downs throughout the month

  • How to eat in different stages of your cycle to optimize the nutrition it needs

  • The top hormone-balancing foods and how easily they can be worked into your meals, so that it doesn’t feel like extra work

  • Why certain nutrients are key in hormone health so that you can function at your peak

  • The easy lifestyle hacks that actually make you feel better, including improving sleep, exercise, and stress management

  • How to simplify & detoxify your household into a healthier environment for your whole family so that you remove hormone disruptors at the source

  • That having professional support along the way is the biggest difference in achieving real results!

  • 3 x one-on-one sessions with myself, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, to personalize the process & answers all your questions (this alone has a $500+ value!)

  • Weekly emails to guide you through the program

  • Near-weekly releases of easy-to-digest videos on different aspects of hormone health (you can even listen to these podcast-style!)

  • Near-weekly release of handouts to help guide you through the process, for you to download & keep forever!

  • Additional email support throughout the program

  • Hormone Questionnaire to help you understand what you are experiencing

  • Access to professional-grade supplements delivered straight to your home (saving you time AND money, as I give you 10% off the retail price!)

  • & more!

Here’s what you’ll receive in Evernourished Hormones to transform your hormones: 

This is the ultimate program, as it combines the value of a course to give you all the teachings required to get you into implementation mode along with personalized support in the form of one-on-one sessions and email check-ins to truly overhaul your lifestyle for your hormone system falls back into balance.

Because let’s face it - an online course alone does not give you the guidance and accountability you need to take the steps that are most crucial for your unique situation.

In fact courses don’t allow for any customization at all. So you could be investing money into one without truly knowing if it’s what you need.

I don’t want that to happen to you. That’s why my Evernourished Hormones Program includes personalized one-on-one sessions. I want it to be just right for you (just call me Goldilocks🐻).

That’s also why I offer Application Calls for you to ask any questions and for the enrolment process to be easy peasy.

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You’re suffering from PMS

  • Your menstrual cramping disrupts your day (and you may even rely on pain medications to get through)

  • Your periods need some serious TLC from being irregular, painful, or missing

  • Your fatigue keeps you from doing activities you love

  • Your mood swings prevent you from showing up as your best self, especially in your close relationships

  • Or you have other symptoms of hormone imbalances (you may have even been diagnosed by a medical professional and told that “you’ll just have to live with it”)

If you are in menopause, then this program may not be the best fit. But please reach out as I would be more than happy to discuss a potential customized package for you that includes many resources and personalized support. However, it would not be starting at the same time as Evernourished Hormones next month.

Remember, you are a human with a uterus, you are meant to have a cycle, & your cycle needs support to be optimal.

Giving your body what it needs means no more PMS, irregular periods or bloating before your period and more energy, clear thinking & finally feeling calm and at home in your body.

This is not a quick-fix, but a real proven solution based on scientific evidence. As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, I am definitely not about following “wellness trends” but actual studies that give us important clues on the nutrients and lifestyle habits that bring our hormones back in balance.

Here’s the thing, I’ve struggled with these issues in the past too, big time. So I understand what you’re going through. And I am just one testimonial that simple tweaks can actually make your health thrive again.

I created this program because I hear women’s stories daily about their menstrual cycles, the disregard they receive from medical professionals who brush it off as “normal”, and their feeling that there is no solution but hormonal birth control and sucking it up…

But it’s simply not true. There are proven nutrients and lifestyle strategies that help balance hormones from the ground up.

The best part is, I will be there to guide you throughout the program to customize the recommendations and help you understand your unique body. What you gain is knowledge and power – you will learn how you function and what works best for you.

Seeing your body go from sluggish to energized, from irritable to relaxed, and from having painful periods to going about your day almost forgetting you’re even on your period, you will be amazed with what you can accomplish. And so will your friends and family, who will no doubt be wondering how this new, happier you came about.

By using these tools and all of the personalized support you will receive, you’ll feel your body transform in a manner that can last a lifetime.

 Here’s What a Few of my Nutritional Counselling Clients Have Been Saying Since Working With me on Their Hormone Health:

“I started working with Chanelle shortly after getting off birth control and I had not had a cycle for 75 days. I added in cycle-specific nutrients and a couple of different supplements as per Chanelle’s advice, and now my menstrual cycle is back on a consistent basis. I am no longer having any PMS symptoms either!” -C.L.

“Since working with Chanelle I’ve been feeling more energized throughout the day. Getting things done is no longer a struggle because I have the motivation and energy to do them. Plus Chanelle is patient, kind ,and extremely supportive. I'm extremely happy she reached out to help me start my journey!” -J.W.

“I have to say, my sleep has really improved after the advice given! It has made it easier for me to wind down and fall asleep. Sleep has helped my mental health too.” -J.R.

Ready to feel amazing & transform your cycles, energy, and sleep like they did, too?

This value-packed program includes:

  • 3 x one-on-one sessions with myself, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, to personalize the process & answers all your questions (this alone has a $500+ value!)

  • Weekly emails to guide you through the program

  • Near-weekly releases of easy-to-digest videos on different aspects of hormone health (you can even listen to these podcast-style!)

  • Near-weekly releases of handouts to help guide you through the process, for you to download & keep forever!

  • Additional email support throughout the program

  • Hormone Questionnaire to help you understand what you are experiencing

  • Access to professional-grade supplements delivered straight to your home (saving you time AND money, as I give you 10% off the retail price!)

  • & more!

 Health is the best gift you can ever give yourself. Women especially are conditioned to put others before themselves, and this can make it hard to invest in our own health and happiness.

I know, because in my early twenties, that was me too.

I suffered with symptoms for years before finally getting the help I needed. Once I saw how incredible my transformation was, I knew I wanted to learn even more, and this lead me to go back to school despite already having a career as a health care provider because I knew this information was so valuable and I wanted to be able to help folks with their overall health.

 Don’t make the same mistake I made.

The quicker we address your imbalances, the sooner you can improve important bodily functions that impact your overall health for years to come.

I know you’re on this page for a reason, and that this will be the first step in finally addressing your symptoms for good.

You need support. And I’m here for you.


  • Application Calls help us get acquainted and give you an opportunity to ask any questions before you enroll.

    It also ensures that you’re the right fit for the program and that the program is perfect for you.

    If you’re 100% ready to join prior to the call, hurray! The Application Call will be used to gather your contact & payment info so we can get started ASAP (plus the earlier your call, you’ll get first dibs on the days & times of your one-on-one sessions with me included in the program!).

  • The program is evergreen and begins anytime you are ready, on the first Tuesday following enrollment.

    Sessions with myself will take place on weeks 1, 5, and 12 of the program.

    My schedule is flexible and the sessions will not take too much of your time as the first is 75 minutes, and both subsequent ones are 30 minutes only.

    The videos and handouts will be available to you to watch for 6 months, with the handouts being downloadable for you to keep forever. There will also be handouts of each video’s slides for you to download as well.

  • The program includes 3 one-on-one sessions that will take place virtually on my secure Jane software. This means you won’t need to waste any time commuting to attend the sessions, and you can attend them from anywhere (even from the lake, all you need is a device with internet!).

    The initial session is the longest one, lasting approximately 75-90 minutes. This allows us to go in depth into your health history and current needs, so that I can guide you towards the sections of the learning material that you should focus on throughout the program for you to get results.

    This session must be booked within the first 7 days of the program (we will do so at your Application Call should you choose to enroll).

    The remaining two sessions are shorter, approximately 30 minutes. These are check-ins to explore your progress and see what has or hasn’t been working for you. These are an important part of the process as they allow for personalization beyond the beginning of the program and allows us to see what you need going forward.

    These two sessions will take place approximately in weeks 5 and 12 of the program, but are slightly more flexible.

    My schedule itself is quite flexible and includes daytime, evening, and weekend openings for calls (but popular slots fill quickly so the first to enroll get first pick of their session dates and times).

  • Short answer: yes! Has your provider given you clear and helpful information on how to reverse or improve your condition, or simply given you a prescription and sent you on your (not so merry…) way?

    My guess is that if you’re on this page, your diagnosis did not magically fix your symptoms and you need individualized support beyond a pill.

    Far too often nutrition and lifestyle are left out of conversations with medical providers. Specialists are few and far between, making them swamped with patient after patient.

    As a Nutritionist, my approach is different. I made sure to include lots of individualized support for each client throughout the 12 week Program so that you are not left to your own devices wondering how to proceed. I also only accept a set number of clients per month to ensure that each one gets the level of care they deserve.

    That being said, if your condition is severe, 12 weeks may not be long enough to truly see the full extent of long term results you want. And that’s ok!

    This program does not claim to be a treatment for any disease or condition. Instead, it provides support and education for you to have the right tools & insights into how to balance your hormones & improve symptoms.

    If you’ve been struggling for a long time, it takes consistency and patience for symptoms to resolve. However, our Progress Review Check-in Sessions in Weeks 5 and 12 will give us an idea of where you are at in your journey and there will be an opportunity to extend support beyond the 12 weeks.

  • I love this question, because it means you are careful about who you give your trust to and are not willing to believe just anyone writing a blog on the internet. Smart thinking!

    So here’s a bit about me!

    I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.) with a Diploma in Natural Nutrition from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition.

    Throughout the nutrition program, multiple courses covered hormone balance (in fact, the majority of them did, since the body is so interconnected). Courses included Anatomy and Physiology, Nutritional Symptomatology, Hormone Health, Biochemistry & Epigenetics, Pathology & Nutrition, and Body-Mind-Spirit, to name a few (there were 18!). The program also included culinary training for which I received a Holistic Culinary Certificate.

    I am apart of two associations including CAHN-Pro and CSNNAA.

    I am a Functional Hormone Educator, having completed additional hours of training on hormone balance post-graduation.

    I also have education and experience as a health care provider (I’ve been a Registered Dental Hygienist for nearly a decade!), so I’ve spent over 10,000 hours working with clients and counselling them on their health.

    Most recently, I’ve taken Environmental Health courses at the University of Manitoba, which covered multiple topics such as how our environments contribute to our wellness, endocrine disruptors, toxicology, and epidemiology. In fact, I am only a few courses away from completing my degree in Environmental Studies with a focus area in Environmental Health.

  • Absolutely not. This program will be perfect for you regardless of whether or not you consume animal products. I work with clients who are omnivores, vegetarians, and vegans, and the program will be tailored to your unique health concerns, food preferences, and personal lifestyle.

It’s time to get rid of the hormonal issues that are making you miserable.

You’re just days away from starting an incredible hormone balance journey that can help you live your best life!

*Price in CAD and excludes 5% GST or your province’s/country’s required service tax.

Pay in full investment is $1293 + applicable tax.

Payment plan of three instalments of $463 + applicable tax available on request at the Application Call.

Medical Disclaimer: All information contained in this program is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent health problems. For all serious health issues, please contact a medical practitioner. The information provided in this program is based on the best knowledge of the author at the time of writing, and we do not assume liability for the information within this program, be it direct or indirect, consequentially, special exemplary or other damages. In all circumstance, it is always wise to consult your physician before changing your diet, taking supplements or starting any exercise or health program.